Are there limits to the cash back I can earn?


There are annual cash back limits for the 3% and 2% categories, but there is no threshold for 1% cash back. So, even if you’ve reached the spend limit in a particular category, you will still earn 1% cash back on those purchases. The following thresholds are reset every year on your card’s anniversary date:

  • 3% cash back on travel and entertainment purchases (up to $10,000 annual spend)
  • 3% cash back at restaurants (up to $6,000 annual spend)
  • 2% cash back at grocery stores, supermarkets and wholesales clubs (up to $6,000 annual spend)
  • 2% cash back at bookstores (up to $6,000 annual spend)
  • 1% cash back on everything else(with no maximum spend)

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