Safeguard your personal information


Keep your contact information up to date and secure.

Conveniently add alerts to your account(s) by signing into Digital Banking, and navigating to Tools > Account Alerts.

Create strong, unique passwords.

Create passwords (the longer the better) that include a combination of numbers, symbols and upper- and lowercase letters. Learn more about creating strong passwords.

Be careful on social media.

Don’t post personal information to your profile like your birthdate, city of birth or mother’s maiden name.

Keep your devices updated with the latest operating systems, software, and patches.

Protect yourself from mail theft by signing up for paperless eStatements. If you choose to receive mailed statements, be sure to follow these guidelines by the United States Postal Inspection Service. In addition, shred all documents that contain personal information.

Check your credit reports at least once per year at Or, request the reports directly from each agency:

Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289

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