share savings certificate

Earn up to 4.07% APY ¹skip to disclosureon a 9-month certificate

  • $1,000 minimum deposit

  • No service fee*skip to disclosure

  • Terms from 3 to 60 months

  • Deposits insured up to $250,000 per account

Smiling woman looking at her phone
Handsome 50+ man smiling and looking off camera with arms crossed.

What is a share savings certificate?

Like a certificate of deposit offered by banks, a share savings certificate is offered by credit unions and allows you to receive a guaranteed rate of return in exchange for keeping your money in the certificate for a specified length of time. You'll receive monthly dividends and can easily manage your certificate in Digital Banking. As rates can change at any time, locking in a share savings certificate term could be a smart financial decision!

Calculate Your Earnings

Enter a deposit amount to calculate how much you could earn with a Share Savings Certificate.

Quick Calculator: $5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | $50,000
Deposit amount

Minimum $1,000

Term Annual Percentage Yield Dividend Rateskip to disclosure Potential Earnings1skip to disclosure
Rates accurate as of 2/1/2025.
  • Information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We can not and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. We encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding all personal finance issues.

Looking for another savings option?

High-Yield Savings

Exclusively for Cash Back or High-Yield Checking account holders.

  • No minimum to earn

  • No minimum balance fee

Jumbo Money Market

Earn up to 0.40% APY on balances of $250,000+.

  • $55,000 minimum to earn

  • No minimum balance fee

Get Help with Share Savings Certificates

Dividends accrue daily and are compounded and credited to your account monthly.

The Share Savings Certificate offers available terms ranging from 3 months to 60 months allowing for easy investing on your terms.

There are no monthly maintenance fees associated with a Share Savings Certificate. And, with available terms ranging from 3 months to 60 months, it’s easy investing on your terms.

There are several options for making deposits into your savings account. You can:

  • ACH in initiated from your bank, credit union or PayPal/Venmo type service
  • Wire transfer in
  • Mail us a personal check, cashier’s check, or bill pay check
  • Visit any of our 5,600 shared branching locations or 30,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide.

The minimum investment amount for a Share Savings Certificate is $1,000.

  • Must have a DuPage Credit Union membership established and be in good standing.

  • Share Savings Certificate APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates accurate as of 2/1/2025. Rates and Terms are subject to change without notice. The APY may change based on current dividend rates at the time of maturity. APY is accurate of the last dividend declaration date. The APY assumes that all funds will remain on deposit until maturity. Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly. A minimum investment of $1,000 is required to open and to earn dividends. Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Earnings may be reduced if fees or penalty are incurred.

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  • High-Yield Savings Account APY = Annual Percentage Yield. No minimum balance requirements apply to this account. This is a tiered dividend rate savings account. The rate may change after the account is opened. APY is accurate of the last dividend declaration date. Daily balances up to $55,000 will earn the higher dividend rate. Balances $55,000 or more will earn the stated Membership Savings rate. You must meet the following requirements to earn the High-Yield Savings account annual percentage yield; otherwise, dividends will be paid at the stated Membership Savings rate. See current rates. Must have a Cash Back Checking account or High-Yield Checking account and meet the minimum requirements each month. If at any time the Cash Back or High-Yield Checking account is closed, the High-Yield Savings account will also be closed. Earning may be reduced if fees are incurred. Other restrictions may apply. Must have a Credit Union membership established and be in good standing.

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  • Jumbo Money Market Account and Money Market Account APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are subject to change without notice. The rates may change after the account is opened. APY is accurate of the last dividend declaration date. No dividends paid on days when balance falls below $500 for the Money Market Account or $55,000 for the Jumbo Money market Account. Dividends are compounded daily and paid monthly. Earnings may be reduced if fees are incurred.

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  • We may impose a penalty if you withdraw funds from your account before the maturity date.

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  • Dividends are compounded monthly and paid monthly. Rates are subject to change.

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